so being away from london, away from phone signal, away from internet has got me feeling much more pensive. been thinking about exs and me and friends. i cannot get my last ex 105 out of my head. he was my last love and also the boy that locked me up for 5 days. it has never felt over with us. the first time, the second time, or now after he got back in touch the last time. maybe its cause im near his part of the country. i have to get the same train to the family as i did to his. what ever the reason him being out there, existing, living, and me not knowing about him, not able to care or help is on my mind. i have always loved having one that got away tho. i love pining.
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…started planning resolutions
Tue Dec 28 , 2010
i was watching an interview with miicky rourke the other day and they were talking about the time he alegidly slept with 14 women in one night. it turns out the reality was that it was 13 in 7 days. im sure i have or can beat that. 4 in […]

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